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Streisand Privacy Suit Gets Bounced
Streisand Privacy Suit Gets Bounced
Streisand Privacy Suit Gets Bounced
Streisand Privacy Suit Gets Bounced
Streisand Privacy Suit Gets Bounced
Streisand Privacy Suit Gets Bounced
Streisand Privacy Suit Gets Bounced
Streisand Privacy Suit Gets Bounced
Streisand Privacy Suit Gets Bounced
Streisand Privacy Suit Gets Bounced
Streisand Privacy Suit Gets Bounced
DECEMBER 3--A Los Angeles judge today threw out Barbra Streisand's $10 million suit against a California environmental group that posted a photo of the singer's cliffside Malibu estate on its web site.
In a 46-page tentative decision, a summary from which you'll find here, Superior Court Judge Allan J. Goodman declared that the aerial photo's publication was protected by the First Amendment and, to boot, was not "highly offensive to a reasonable person."
Swatting away Streisand's claim that her privacy was violated, Goodman stated, "As a matter of law, there is nothing private or personal" about the photo, a copy of which you'll find here.
Making matters worse for the performer, Goodman indicated that he is ready to award legal fees to the California Coastal Records Project and the group's founder Kenneth Adelman, who snapped the image which so offended Babs. (10 pages)